That’s A Wrap

Hello Readers, Today was our final 6th Grade Chapter meeting for this school year.  It sounds a bit sad, but don’t worry we will be back in about a month. For our final meeting we wanted to finalize our mummy Frank.  That means we needed to wrap him and place him in his sarcophagus. Take…

Canopic Jars

Hello Readers, Here is a little update on our Tombquest inspired mummy, Mr. Frank. When we first buried Frank in the natron solution he weighed 53.5 grams.  After two weeks in the salt and baking soda mixture he now weighs 34.5 grams. As you can see he has also curled a bit, but that could…

Tombquest Update: We Reveal Our Mummy

Hello Readers, Last week we decided it was high time we got into this mummification game and decided to mummify a Ball Park Frank. If you have ever wondered what a hot dog that has been buried in a natron like solution looks and smells like, take a look… We continue reading Tombquest Book #1:…

Tombquest Updates

Hello Readers, Our 6th Grade Chapter is diving into Tombquest Book #1: Book of the Dead by Michael Northop and we have some exciting news. First, we are well into making our own amulets based on the scarab Alex’s mom wears in the story.  You can see in the picture that we are using modeling…

The Weight of a Human Heart

Hello Readers, The 6th Grade Chapter of SMS Guys Read has been reading Tombquest Book 1, The Book of the Dead by Michael Northrop.  We are about a third through the story and recently we came across the idea of the weight of a human heart.  We learned that Egyptians would remove the heart of…