Book Review: Looking Glass Wars

A Hey Bloggers,

I just finished reading the first book of a trilogy, called The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor. If you want to find out the real story of happy little Alice in Wonderland, then read this, but be warned, this is not a happy fairy tale, it’s a story about a bloody battle between the white imagination and the black imagination. Alyss (not Alice) is the Princess of Hearts and is the daughter of the Ruler in Wonderland, the Queen of Hearts,

Queen Genevieve. Queen Genevieve’s sister Redd (not Red) became black imagination and came with an army and took over Wonderland taking everything under her control. Alyss, flees but soon has to return to take her rightful place as Queen of Wonderland and a Warrior Queen by fighting with her imagination against her aunt’s imagination.

I really liked the book, finishing it in a few days, my most favorite part was when Alyss was ready to battle with her aunt and her army but didn’t have many people to battle the army, so she creates so many small toy soldiers half an average adult’s height that you can’t see where they end with her imagination in a few seconds.

If you like bloody and adventurous books, then I recommend that you should read this book, The Looking Glass Wars. Please comment on our blog if you have read this book before.

Junkyard Dog

2 thoughts on “Book Review: Looking Glass Wars

  1. Watsup Junkyard Dog,
    I have also read The Looking Glass Wars, and I was as pleased with it as you are. I really enjoy the action-adventure-blood/gore books, and this was no exception. I also read the second in the trilogy, Seeing Redd, which was just as destructive and exciting as the first. So, since you’ve finished the first, I reccomend you read the next book, too.
    Hacksaw Jim Duggan

  2. Many thanks for your enthusiastic leap into the pool of tears to assist Alyss in their harrowing adventures into pop culture.
    We would like to share with you new revelations from Wonderland as they come into the Looking Glass Wars Library and Hatter M Institute. If you’re interested in receiving this confidential material, before it becomes public, please supply a secure email address.
    The LGW Librarian

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